Message of Gratitude

Click to read a message of gratitude from Rosanna Tang, family member of the resident in Wing Kei Greenview.




榮基翠景中心留給我們鄭家最深的印象是“溫暖”. 一走進接待室至我爸爸坐在餐廳,就被護工們對待院友們濃濃的親情所吸引. 那種無私奉獻的精神讓我們家人對每一個人都敬佩,您們是好樣的! 我代表我們全家向榮基翠景中心致以衷心的感謝!

讓我分享父親2019,很幸運被安排入住榮基翠景中心,當我們看到環境整潔,設備安全措施. 就放心讓爸爸在榮基颐養天年。我強烈推薦給Calgary 華人長者. 以下是榮基創院「溫故知新」的理念.

「溫故知新-榮基成立的目的只有一個:以服務華人長者 為宗旨去回報他們所作的貢獻。這種關愛和服務長者的 精神滲透在榮基每一座院舍中,激勵着我們的員工和義工,並感染着我們的院友及其家人。我們共同建立了一 個家,一個同聲同氣,食中餐和環境舒適的家。這裡, 員工視院友如自己的父母,盡心盡力讓他們感覺如置身 家中,過安逸丶喜樂及平安的生活。」

我父親1/31/2023已經安詳辭世!父親在臨終關懷時,父親得到悉心照顧,每兩小時有值班護士、職員替我父親檢查,我們家人也得到各位值班護士、護工精神上支持. 我移居美國前曾在San Jose 某私人養老院做義工. 服務態度差別很大. 所以我和家人很感恩父親能夠,在榮基翠景中心渡過他的晚年. 我父親視榮基如家.因此我希望Calgary 有更多榮基翠景中心,讓長者們的家人,可以選擇得到安養、養護最貼心的專業照護服務.






(English Translation)

Today, bearing great grief but also gratitude, I want to send my appreciation to all staff at Wing Kei Greenview. My sincere thanks to the various teams and volunteers for your love and care, and help for the helpless seniors who stay in the care centre.

The deepest impression left by Wing Kei on my family is “warmth”. From the moment I walk in from the reception desk to my father in the dining room, we were very impressed by the affection that the staff showed towards the residents. Our family greatly appreciate the selfless dedication from everyone; you are all such magnificent people! On behalf of my family, I give our heartfelt thanks to the Greenview teams.

My father was very lucky to be arranged to live in Wing Kei Greenview in 2019. When we saw the clean environment and all the safety equipment and practices, we felt relieved and contented to have my father stay in Wing Kei and enjoy his years ahead. I strongly recommend Wing Kei to all Chinese seniors in Calgary.

I quote from Wing Kei’s publication “Celebrating the past – Embracing the future”:

“From the very beginning, Wing Kei has embodied a single purpose: to serve Chinese seniors with the dedication they deserve. This culture of love and service—the Wing Kei spirit—permeates our facilities, inspires our staff and volunteers, and nurtures our residents and their families. Together, we build a sense of home, a place with familiar language, food, and environment. We function as a big family. Staff relate to residents as they would to their own parents, keeping them comfortable, content, and safe.”

My father passed away peacefully on January 31st, 2023. Towards the end of his life journey when he was placed on palliative care, my father received excellent and dedicated care. The care team came every 2 hours to check on him. They also gave our family a lot of emotional support. From my experience volunteering at a private senior home in San Jose, the work attitude of the staff there and that of Wing Kei was very different. Our family was therefore so grateful that my father was able to enjoy his time at Wing Kei Greenview. My father treated Wing Kei as his home. We hope that Calgary has more Wing Kei Greenview so that seniors can receive the most loving, dedicated and professional care.

My father’s funeral is held today, February 6th, 2023. Once again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Wing Kei Greenview for taking care of my father.

